Saturday, July 19, 2008

Community Block Party

Well, it's over.

All the planning, organization and hard work culminated this weekend in our 3rd Annual Community Block Party. We worked from 9 to 9 yesterday and from 7am to the 11:00 start time today setting up and getting ready for the big event.

Up until our 10am staff meeting, I had great fears that we would not have the minimum of 40 people needed to run all of our activities. But, as usual, we serve a God who is ALWAYS faithful. We had almost 50 people there to help!
The other blessing was that we had perfect weather for being outside and playing carnival games, our petting zoo, eating cotton candy, popcorn and sno-cones, having water balloon toss, gunny sack races, egg races, pie eating contests, playing Bingo, hay rides and all the other events that we had for the day. To check out the quilt we made head over to my Wee Little Things craft blog.

our happy registration staff

the food is ready to go

our most popular game was the "goldfish toss" (we gave away 30 fish!)

1 comment:

Bob and Karen said...

You look like you had great fun.