Friday, August 1, 2008

A Day At The Fair

Yesterday we headed out to our county fair. It's even more fun because now admission is FREE! So we had a fun evening checking out all the stuff the fair had to offer. Oh, and of course eating county fair cuisine, i.e. elephant ears, red ropes and caramel apples! (that was the only thing the boys went for) LOL It's also fun because we got to see all kinds of people we know because it really is a small world here in Cowlitz County.

our friend Sue line dancing (back row on far right)

playing Bingo

checking out the front loaders
(we could use one for the backyard)


riding sheep (none of the boys would do it)

the midway

1 comment:

Jim and Marilyn said...

We love the small county fairs. Reminds us of "home." Looks like you all enjoyed your day! (BTW: your new layout looks great!)