Saturday, October 12, 2013

Visiting Dixie – Day One

Chris teaches on-line chemistry/forensic anatomy/creation apologetics for a school based in North Carolina. Every October they have a teacher’s retreat and this year we decided to go.

The plane left bright and early on Friday morning, meaning our day got its start at 3:30am! While the early hour stinks, it makes sleeping on the plane much easier!

Carolina Day 1 01After a layover in Dallas/Fort Worth, and a stop at Dunkin Donuts for brunch, we got on the next plane for Charlotte, North Carolina.

Carolina Day 1 02Our second flight was on a fancy new plane with our own private tv’s. A flight goes by pretty fast when you get to watch mindless television… :o)

Carolina Day 1 03   With our rental car all taken care of, we hit the road west towards Black Mountain and the YMCA Blue Ridge Assembly. But we had to have a quick bite to eat, so we stopped at a CookOut on the way.

Not only was the food cheap and delicious but how could you not love a place that serves bacon wraps, chicken nuggets and corn dogs as sides??? Oh, and we had Cheerwine floats, too! :o)

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After a very long day and a not long enough sleep (but great conversations), I decided I needed to take advantage of the last sunny day before Karen hit the coast and brought in the clouds to the area. So I ditched Chris and went with one of the other teacher’s moms to do a bit of shopping in Black Mountain (right near Montreat where Billy Graham lives) and hike Chimney Rock. The shopping was fun but the Rock was amazing!

I was so thankful I drove because I can’t even imagine how carsick I would have been on the drive up to the park! It took about 45 minutes to drive less than 20 miles! Ugh!

Carolina Day 2 01 That steep of a hike means a whole lot of stairs! But we peeked inside a “nice” (sorry about the pun) cave before we headed up…

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and up… and up… and up…

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They say that you can see for 75 miles on a clear day. I believe it!Carolina Day 2 09 They filmed “The Last of the Mohicans” here and the lake you can see is where they filmed “Dirty Dancing”. They make a lot of movies in North Carolina!

Carolina Day 2 15  Carolina Day 2 13 Carolina Day 2 14 Upon arrival at the Chimney Rock level, one discovers that there is yet another viewpoint further up. And I just had to see it!

First there was the Opera Box and Devil’s Head…

Carolina Day 2 10from Chimney Rock

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the view from the “box”

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Of course the walk up to Exclamation Point had to have stairs… LOTS of stairs!

Carolina Day 2 23 Carolina Day 2 34 Carolina Day 2 33Carolina Day 2 31 Carolina Day 2 32  Once again, the view proved to be worth the climb!

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Not bad for a picture I took of myself… :o)




Carolina Day 2 30Needless to say, Chris was jealous and I slept GOOD that night!

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