Sunday, January 18, 2015

Opryland Hotel

Across the street from Cooter’s is Nashville’s Opryland Hotel, the largest non-casino hotel in the world! Covering over 9 acres (of indoor space), it is like four giant super fancy hotels (with almost 3000 rooms/suites) joined together with 17 restaurants, spas, shops, a convention center and ice rink added on. I really wanted to see it but didn’t want to pay the $20+ to park!

opryland map

Thankfully, some guy at Cooter’s gave us the secret. Go in the back way to the mall, park in a far off back parking lot (for free) and walk into the hotel through the back… Thanks, Cooter’s guy!

I have to admit, it was staggering to walk into the Delta wing and feel like you just walked into some kind of cross between New Orleans and Venice, Italy….

opryland-resort delta

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I wish we had gotten there before it started getting dark (we didn’t get very good pictures) but we did get there in time to take a boat tour!

opryland 03 opryland 04We did a little bit of window shopping while waiting for our boat to leave…

opryland 07 opryland 05 opryland 06opryland 08opryland 09It was a nice leisurely tour of the Delta and a relaxing way to watch the sun go down and the “stars” come out… ;)

opryland 10opryland 15 opryland 11 Then we moved on to the Cascades…

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The main lobby was quite impressive!

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Then through the Garden Conservatory and Magnolia…

opryland 17 opryland 27 opryland 18 opryland 19 opryland 20 opryland 21 opryland 22 opryland 23 opryland 24 opryland 25 The fountain show was very nice, too!

opryland 26 By now it was very dark and getting rather late.

We headed back to the car and popped into the mall just before they closed. And as we walked out of the mall, we stumbled upon the real Grand Ol’ Opry…

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It was a long day in Nashville and all the dealing with country music makes a girl tired!  We got on an early flight home the following morning, kicked back and enjoyed the flight…

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