Friday, January 16, 2015

Just The Good Ol’ Boys

I grew up watching the Dukes of Hazzard. We had their lunch boxes and Matchbox cars. My dad got a basset hound for us for Christmas and named her Daisy. Heck, I probably figured I’d marry a Duke boy in my little 8 to 10 year old brain…

So when I heard there was a place called Cooter’s in Nashville, a veritable Dukes of Hazzard museum, I had to go!

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nashville 48nashville 47Dang! They made a TON of DofH merch!!!

nashville 50 nashville 49   this is only a fraction of what they had… a fraction!

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how is it I left without getting my picture with Bo and Luke???

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this pic’s for you, Dad… :)

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Some times you can come and meet cast members and get pictures and autographs and for a fee you can sit in the cars for pictures…

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It was fun to shop and look at all the stuff they had and I even picked up a couple of souvenirs to bring home…

Just'a good ol' boys
Never meanin' no harm.
Beats all you never saw
Been in trouble with the law
Since the day they was born

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