Sunday, April 22, 2007

Still Painting...

Since Chris is on vacation we decided to attend church at one of the other churches in town. The problem was that we don't know the service times for any other church in town. The other problem was that we slept in and didn't get up until 10am. So after hurried showers and no breakfast, looking in the phone book and on-line, we finally found a church with an 11:00 service time. It was very strange to be in a church that is not yours, especially when you are the pastor. But it was a nice service and Chris took us out to breakfast afterwards.

When we returned home, we finally got back to painting. We got all of the painting done, now we just have to get everything back together tomorrow when the paint is dry. It's a lot of work but it's worth it in the end. I just keep thinking about how nice Jim and Marilyn's house looked after she painted all of their trim. Thanks for the inspiration to keep going, Marilyn! :o)

1 comment:

CJ Olson said...

Keep up the good work. Keep on painting. Want to come out to ND and paint for me? :-) That was we could actually see each other.

How was the church service?