Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Snow Day

When you homeschool, you really don't get a snow day. The boys are out playing with the neighbor in the snow but will have to do school when they get back. On the bright side, we won't be going to school until late June to make up for the days we missed this winter!

This is the second or third morning this week we have woken up to snow. While I really miss the sunshine from last week, the snow does make it much nicer.

Here are some shots we took this morning...

Will headed out to the back right away

the fort is totally camoflauged in the snow
Can you see it?

it's a cold day for a swim

everybody worked on a snowman for the driveway

I don't know if the trees will survive the heavy snow
the snowman is done, now all he needs is some clothes
(the Mythbusters said that snowmen with clothes melt slower)


Theresa Rohrer said...

Hurray for snow!!! I wish it would snow at my house but I think I live at too low an elevation now. I've only had one "slushy" morning all winter.

The Graber's said...

You guys are so lucky! We don't even get a little flake. Just rain.

Ekelund Fam said...

We LOVE mythbusters...but aren't the snowmen already wearing clothes? ;)