Thursday, November 13, 2008

Water Woes

Tuesday night it started to rain. I mean REALLY RAIN! I had a few people ask how our ditch is, so I figured I should go out and see how much water we had in back thanks to the lot next door. By the way, the house is going up quickly.

There is a lot! The boys took pictures. Zack also took a video, but it's not ready for the blog yet. There is new water running down the hill from the new house and it is pooling up nicely along the fence behind the pool. We also now have water next to our garage. We are hoping it's because the gutters needed cleaning, which Zack and Andy did today (thanks guys), and not because there is water pouring down the hill in yet another direction and flowing through our retaining wall.

We will just have to see how it goes and keep prayin'.

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