Thursday, December 18, 2008

Goliath the Snowman

Every year the boys make a snowman and I take their picture by it.

This year they were determined to make it the biggest one ever!

It took a lot of work, snow, ladders, machetes and creative thinking, but they did it!

first you bring in big snowballs from other parts of the yard by sled

then you roll them to the building site
(this makes you rather tired)

then you use planks of wood to roll the snowballs on top of one another

then when it gets too high, you cut the balls into pieces with a machete and take them up the ladder to the top

then you fill in all the spaces with extra snow

(notice the lean)
then you start to put on the finishing touches

then you measure him and discover that he is 2 inches short of 9 feet high!!!
then you put on a few more finishing touches
(this was taken about 20 seconds before the giant was slain)
then you get your picture taken with the snowy remains

then you decide to salvage what's left and make a fort instead

We'll have to try the snowman picture next time, boys!


McNew Family said...

Hey guys - that snowman was AWESOME!!!!! Isn't this weather GREAT? We are getting ready to go out today and play - Carrie, I think I like this blogging stuff!


Paula Vince said...

Wow, he must've been about 3 metres tall. Needless to say, we can never indulge in that sort of fun around here, but how the kids would love it. Make the most of it!

Theresa Rohrer said...

Amazingly tall! Yes, I can see why he fell. He was starting to look like The Leaning Tower of Pisa.