Saturday, August 22, 2009

Walker Island – Day Three

Zack expertly drove the boat over to the pilings one last time to check the trap before taking Peter back to the dock to go home. But unfortunately it was empty again.

Wednesday was a very hot and sunny day! We spent much of the day in the water or in the shade (or trying to make more shade). We also were very diligent to putting on sunscreen after having a miserable night thanks to sunburns from the day before.

River camp day 3 01 River camp day 3 02a really long pipe heading downriver 

There was lots of ship traffic which made for great surf for playing in. It was almost like the ocean except that it was warmer and not salty. So I guess it was actually better than the ocean.

River camp day 3 03River camp day 3 04

We also got day-neighbors yet again, but they didn’t stay long. The wind really picked up in the afternoon when the tide started to come in. It got so windy that we decided to move camp to the other side of the trees where there was no wind. It took a little bit of work but was well worth it.

River camp day 3 05River camp day 3 06the tide came WAY up

River camp day 3 07  

windy camp

River camp day 3 08

not windy camp

After supper we went and picked up Chris so he could spend the night with us. It was well after dark by the time we got back to the island. So we set up the telescope and checked out some stars and planets before bed. Andy and I even got to see two shooting stars!

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