Saturday, October 3, 2009

Bicycle Safety With Melvin

Actually it should be “Bicycle Safety With Steve”… Our friend Steve came up from Portland to teach bicycle safety to my Dangerous Class for Boys at co-op on Friday.

He rides his bike to work and was in a bicycle accident with a car when he was a kid, so he was totally qualified to teach about what you should and should not do while riding your bike.

The best part was his helmet demonstration. While a helmet is a must for riding, it can’t totally protect you from being “stupid”. He put a helmet on a pumpkin whom he named Melvin and stuck him under the wheel of his SUV.

I can’t believe I didn’t remember about my camera until it was too late and Melvin had gone on to a better place.

bike class 01 the accident scene

But here’s what was left of him when I got back…

bike class 02bike class 03

Thanks so much Steve! You did a wonderful job and now we will be much safer on our bikes.


Leanne said...

Hmmmm...poor Melvin!

Sounds like a class we all need.

Paula Vince said...

Whoa, nothing like an object lesson!
Pity you couldn't have used Melvin for a nice pumpkin pie afterwards but I can understand scooping him off the road would be icky.