Thursday, January 28, 2010

Cannon Beach – Day 2

The next day, Grandpa and Grandma joined us at the coast coming up from their vacation to CA. We spent the day lounging at the room, playing games, reading, exploring the beach, going to the gym, having ice cream, and watching movies.

beach day 2 01 shopping downtown

beach day 2 02

Playing carpet ball…

beach day 2 04


beach day 2 03

air hockey…

beach day 2 05

(Grandma didn’t like air hockey)

beach day 2 06 beach day 2 07

 and, of course, mini-golf

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Grandpa took his shot…

beach day 2 09

and got SO CLOSE to a hole-in-one!

beach day 2 10

heading to Haystack Rock to explore the tidepools

beach day 2 11

I love Zack in the background of this picture

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a huge flock of seabirds circled the rock looking for a place to roost for the night

beach day 2 15

there were lots of starfish

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the pink clouds were so pretty

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and the sunset was gorgeous!

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even the moon was out

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I liked this sign on the wall but forgot to take a picture of the wall :o(

Throughout the day we did begin to notice the room was getting cooler. When we got back from having ice cream, the room was downright chilly (60 degrees)! Despite the late hour, I called the emergency desk number. They came right away but were unable to fix the furnace that night. Instead, they put us in the second large family suite to sleep in a nice warm room. The best part was, they let us keep all our stuff in the cold room!

Room #3 was smaller than our room but very nice as well! And it was so nice to be warm…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How nice of your congregation! Gorgeous pictures, and it looks like some really nice weather, that is pretty cool catching Zack in the air like that- Great photos all around! You guys have so many adventures!!!