Saturday, May 29, 2010

Camping Out Class Party

While the guys were gone at the men’s retreat camping in the cold and rain, I went to the Wards’ house for a warm and cozy Camping Out party.

Betsy and Cassia were lovely hostesses and everyone who came had lots of fun eating delicious food, making camp necklaces, doing camping Mad Libs, playing the a tent, visiting and roasting homemade marshmallows on the front porch!

Camping out 01 Cassia is all ready!

Camping out 03

Camping out 04

the Camping Out gang

Camping out 05

making necklaces

Camping out 06

Camping out 07

coloring their medallions

Camping out 08

Camping Out moms

Camping out 09

story time in the tent

Camping out 10

reading the kids’ Mad Lib stories

Camping out 11

Camping out 12

S’mores are the BEST!!!

Thanks for such a fun time to the Ward family and all the Camping Out families, too!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Homemade marshmallows are the best! I haven't made any in quite a while, hmmmmm...