Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Creation NW 2010 Day Five

It was kinda sad to wake up and realize it was the last day of Creation, but knowing that SKILLET was coming made it totally worth it!!!

The boys and I got up, ate breakfast before anyone else was up (the more days went by the later everyone slept in), and headed to the main gate bright and early to secure our seats for the big show that night! It’s pretty quiet on the grounds first thing in the morning…

Creation more Saturday 01 the view from our close-but-not-too-close spot

Creation more Saturday 02Creation more Saturday 03Creation more Saturday 05Creation more Saturday 06but we weren’t the only ones with that idea

Creation more Saturday 04    

everyone was pretty tired

Creation more Saturday 07

and hot! It didn’t take long before it was already reminiscent of Creation at George.

Creation more Saturday 08

hangin’ with friends is always fun!

The guys decided to hit the football field this time for more playing room and a game of flag football and soccer! They came back to our spot all sweaty and tired and SORE!

Creation more Saturday 09Creation more Saturday 10Creation more Saturday 11Chad is almost ready to play    Creation more Saturday 12

Andy played quarterback

Creation more Saturday 13

Creation more Saturday 14

While they had a really fun time, they missed one of my highlights of Creation. During the evening speaker, a record number of people accepted the Lord and went to the Prayer Tent! Praise the Lord!!!

Creation more Saturday 15Creation more Saturday 16Creation more Saturday 17 How did Will’s arms get so tan??? LOL

 Creation Saturday 02

at Creation even waiting for shows is fun!

While I enjoyed every day, probably some of our favorite speakers and bands were all on Saturday. Zane Black, Tony Nolan, NeedtoBreathe, Tenth Avenue North…

 Creation Saturday 03

Creation Saturday 04Tenth Avenue North

and, of course, SKILLET!!!

Creation more Saturday 19   Creation more Saturday 18

Creation more Saturday 20

Creation more Saturday 21 As the concert went on, Kimberly, Emily, Chad and I got closer and closer and closer!!! And my voice got hoarser and hoarser and hoarser… LOL

Creation Skillet 02Creation Skillet 03Creation Skillet 04Creation Skillet 01Creation Skillet 05Creation Skillet 07Creation Skillet 08The pyro ROCKED!!!

Now that’s the way it should end every year…      

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