Thursday, September 9, 2010

Water Tower Walk

For the second evening in a row the 5 of us, well actually 6 because we took the dog, have gone for a walk after supper to the top of our hill behind the house.

Today Will brought the camera to take some pictures of the view from the top. They were so pretty, I had to share them!

walk view 01 walk view 02 I really like this one!

walk view 03

walk view 05

While we were up at the top, Zack and Andy suggested we walk up to the water tower. None of the rest of us had ever been up there, so we did it. It was kind of pretty and it’s always fun to explore new places! Thanks guys! Great idea!

walk view 04

1 comment:

me said...

ingystLooks like a beautiful place, where is it? See you Sunday.