Monday, February 21, 2011

Family Flashback- Video Stars

In 1999, we were Newsboys FREAKS! Oh wait, we still are… :o) That October we learned that they were coming to the Christian Supply near our house to film a music video. So we packed up Zack, Andy, my sister Theresa and her friend Rachel and went to wait in line.

First they jammed all of us into a dark room in the basement of the store. Then they taught us all the “moves”. I wasn’t very good at them, but then as I remember it was kind of like trying to play Dance Dance Revolution in a mosh pit. :o) After we all got them down, or at least passable, they brought in the band to get us all jazzed up and ready to go! Peter comes out in his full-length black fur coat, cowboy hat and signature black eyeliner… Then lights, camera, action!

Yeah, it’s still an awesome song! Look for us (well, you can’t see us specifically but it’s our group) at 4:27.

Afterwards, all us music video stars were promised autographs! So it was back in yet another line to wait and wait and wait…

newsboys 03 We waited so long, Andy fell asleep over Chris’ shoulder

About 250+ people showed up to be in this video and subsequently to get autographs. And we had about 15 people behind us in line.

Despite all the fame, all the fans, all the writing when we showed up to have our video and cd signed you would think we were the first in line! No grabbing our stuff and shoving us through… Not the Newsboys! They actually listened. Peter even wrote a personal message just for Zack. “Hey Zack! You RULE!” Then he lifted him up on the table so we could snap a pic!

newsboys 01Peter Furler, you RULE!!!

When we told Duncan Phillips that Andy wanted to be a drummer like him when he grew up, he stopped the entire line and yelled to all the guys in the band, “Hey guys! This kid wants to be ME when he grows up!” And now Andy is a drummer just like Duncan! Who would have guessed???

newsboys 02

That’s Jody Davis pointing at Andy and teasing Duncan about it!

Yeah, the Leingangs think the Newsboys are the greatest band ever!!!


Anonymous said...

How fun! I never knew this story about you!!! How fun would it be to take those pics to a meet and greet at Creation, I think those guys would be pretty surprised by that!!!! They are a great bunch of fellows.

CJ Olson said...

That is such a cool story!