Monday, July 18, 2011

Family Flashback- Creation ‘98

As soon as I heard about Creation Fest, I knew we had to go! That year we all went together and bought tickets for Chris and I to go to George, Washington and hear all the bands that we love play live!

We drove all through the night, slept at a rest stop and got in line first thing in the morning! Camp was set up in the middle of the amphitheatre’s parking lot amid many other campers and rows and rows of outhouses!

FB Creation 05 FB Creation 06It was so hot and there was no shade, so the cold showers felt great on afternoons that ranged from 103-105!

FB Creation 02It wasn’t too hot for Chris to still play soccer

But all the heat and waiting was worth it when we walked into the grounds and walked to the peak of the hill and got our first look at the stage…

FB Creation 03FB Creation 04Not only was the view of the river breathtaking but the natural acoustics were UNBELIVABLE!!!

FB Creation 01Not only did we hear some fantastic bands play but we also got to meet a few at the Youth Leaders Only tent!

It was so great that we had to go back the next year, too…    

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