Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Israel Day 3/8: Chorazin

We left Banias and headed back south towards the Sea of Galilee. We drove by lots of minefield signs on the border of Syria.

We also drove through some cities in the Golan...

And you see an occasional ruin by the side of the road...

Chorazin is only mentioned twice in the Bible, once in Matthew and in Luke. Unfortunately it is not a kind reference. It is one of the three cities Jesus cursed for having rejected him.

The city appears to have been destroyed by an earthquake in the 4th century.

The city was built of black basalt and because of the brittle nature of the stone, the carvers were skilled in using it.

Along with a couple of family homes and a ritual bath, the main attraction of the site is a synagogue from the 2nd or 3rd century. A Moses seat was found in the ruins. This is the chair where the Torah would be read.

A carving of a Medusa was also found on the wall of the synagogue...

the Medusa is the carving on the left

While the ruins of a cursed city don't seem like a typical place for a picnic, there was a fantastic table and benches built out of rock under the tremendous sprawling tree for shade on a blistering hot day!

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