Yesterday was the first day of Friday School. I brought my camera so I could take pictures, but that didn't happen. We now have over 150 kids in our group and it is just a little hectic on the first day. My Medieval History class learned about castles and made candles. The Science For Fun class learned about volcanoes. The kids kind of get that "Wow, that's exciting!" as well as the "Wow, that's scary!" look all at the same time when they realize that we live less than an hour away from Mt. St. Helens. But they love making volcanoes to take home and erupt! I was hoping to get pictures of them with their mountains, but it started to rain about halfway through the project. So that makes it sort of difficult to take pictures when you are all running and trying to save your volcano from being destroyed before you get a chance to take it home and, well, destroy it.
After Co-op we drove down to soccer. Chris is coaching the 10 and ups and having a great time! The kids are making huge strides. It is no longer a "kick and run" game, which means you kick the ball as hard as you can and then everyone runs as fast as they can to get to it so you can kick it as hard as you can again. We were very thankful that the rain mostly held off and it only hailed on us a little bit.

When soccer was over we went to our friends' house for supper. Kate always makes wonderful food! Last night was no exception. We had Hungarian sausages, homemade sauerkraut, roasted potatoes, rye bread, and corn on the cob. (Someone at church gave us an entire garbage bag full of corn.) For dessert she had homemade custard ice cream with homemade hot fudge! The food was great but the company was better. That's 2 Fridays in a row we have gotten to be at the McMurrys'. I am beginning to feel a little spoiled.
2 comments: sound a bit busy!! :-) I'm jealous of the soccer I wish we had here in ND!!
Making volcanoes is fun. My middle son loves volcanoes so we have done a few, out of different kinds of materials. He really loves to erupt them. He would LOVE to live closer to Mount St. Helens!
You got hailed on? Gosh. We haven't seen any hail yet but I hear we are supposed to get thunder tonight.
Hey, that's so neat you saw Todd at the store! Small world! I'm glad you got to chat. He's seeing a surgeon this Monday for a consult. Thanks for your prayers!
150 kids! That's a BIG group! Sounds like some fun activities, though. I hope you get a lot of rain-free soccer days!
Take care and have a great weekend!
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