Today our church hosted a brunch to give the missions' presentation from our Women's Retreat. It was so powerful that we decided we had to share it with those women who were not at our retreat. Hearing excerpts from the missionary wives' letters was just as moving the second time.

Afterwards we all made Christmas cards to send to all of our LB missionary wives. It was fun and the ladies made some very cute cards. Even William came out of hiding to have some brunch and make a card.

Will hanging out during our brunch
Remember to pray for our missionaries overseas. Here is a list of prayer requests specifically for the wives.
Praying for our missionary wives
1. Their relationship with God
-that their times with God would be sweet with His presence
-that they would trust God with all that is happening each day
-that they would hear God’s gentle voice assuring them of His love, His presence, and His joy for and in them
2. Their relationships with family members and co-workers
-that they would have grace and love for one another
-that their would be no discord, but unity in the Holy Spirit in all of their interactions, thoughts and deeds
-for their children
-for homeschooling moms: patience, creativity and discipline
-that they would carve out time to be with their spouses and children
3. Their relationships with the people they are serving
-for a continued passion to reach the lost
-good friendships with people in their community
-opportunities to speak God’s love and truth into their hearts
-that the hearts of the people would be open to the love of God for them
-for the names of people mentioned in their prayer letters
This list was composed by Kathy Wile who, along with her husband, has a mission to support those who are bringing God’s Word to the lost around the world.
With this in mind, we constantly pray for you, that our God may count you worthy of His calling, and that by His power He may fulfill every good purpose of yours and every act prompted by your faith. 2 Thessalonians 1:11