Sunday, December 9, 2007

Going To Bethlehem, Twice

A large church in our community puts on a live nativity every year called "Journey to Bethlehem". It has been going on for 11 years now and attracts thousands of people each year. It is more than just nativity scene with real people and animals. It is a reinactment of the entire town of Bethlehem. You travel as a family going to Bethlehem to register with Rome to pay your taxes.

Along the road you stop at the home of a scribe and hear him talk about what he is reading in the scroll by the prophet Isaiah and have some bread.

As you near the "city" you can hear all the noises coming from inside the walls. Roman guards stop your family at the gate and tell you (rather roughly) that you cannot enter the city. So your "cousin" gives him a bribe so that you can go in to find lodging for the night.

When you enter the crowded city you are surrounded by the sights, sounds and smells of Bethlehem. Beggars ask for alms, merchants are peddling their wares everywhere along the streets, animals walk by, fires are burning, music is playing and people are dancing. But unfortunately there is no room for your family in the inn and you are turned out to pay your taxes.

a beggar in the street

Then your family is ordered to the publican's tent where you are told the many values of paying taxes to your "brother" Rome. Again you are treated very gruffly by the armed guards and sent out quickly.

As your family leaves Bethlehem you pause by a shepherds' fire and are greeted by an angel telling you of the Messiah's birth. You hurry to the stable and find Mary and Joseph and the Baby.

This year we got to go twice with friends. The first night we went with friends from church and saw friends from our homeschool group while we were there. Chatting with them made the over two hour wait much more fun!

The second night I (Carrie) took our friend Kari who had come to visit. Again, the wait was much more fun when there is a friend to visit with.

Needless to say, we are looking forward to our Journey to Bethlehem again next year.


Paula Vince said...

Wow, I remember when you wrote about that Visit to Bethlehem last year now! What an incredible way of drawing the public into the Christmas Story. I'd love to go along too.
The photos of your floods were amazing. I wish you could send some of that downfall to our drought-ridden land. It's been just slightly wetter than last year, but everyone appreciates a decent rainfall whenever we get one.
Also, I can relate to and appreciate your thoughts about blogging in your toolbar.

Kari, RN said...

I'm SO glad I got to attend this with you, thanks!!

Thanks again for the GREAT weekend! I'm thrilled it was still able to work out -after the flooding I wasn't sure! I'm going to work on updating my blog with the great pictures we took, so keep checking! Great to see you!