Monday, April 21, 2008

All Hail Presentation Night

We could see the black clouds rolling in as we were eating supper. We knew bad weather was comin'. We didn't expect a hailstorm, but with unseasonable weather we've been having we shouldn't be surprised. But hail like this is always a surprise!

After the hail and loading all the dishes into the dishwasher, we were off to the Friday School Presentation Night. This is where all the classes can show off what they have learned all session. Even Grandpa got to come up and see what we've been up to. Grandma was sick and couldn't make it. :o(

It was fun to visit and see what everyone else was busy doing in their classes. We are so blessed to have so many great teachers!

my table display

the horse class' table

craft and crochet table

starting out with a song

getting Presidential Physical Fitness Awards (Zack and Andy did VERY well)

recognizing the team leaders (the boys' teams didn't win, but that's ok)

Zack and Andy's guitar class' performance


Kari, RN said...

Did you have any damage from the hail? It looks like it was really coming down hard!

Theresa Rohrer said...

It looks like you guys had a really great presentation night! And in that guitar movie... either Zack's singing sounds a lot like Chris', or Chris was singing along... I haven't quite decided.