Saturday, April 5, 2008

Ready To Rumble

After months of anticipation and daily (and I mean DAILY) visits to the on-line Dojo, Super Smash Brothers Brawl has finally arrived at the Leingang home. To say that the boys are excited is an extreme understatement! But I have to say that all the knowledge that they have accumulated has paid off. In only a couple of days, they have already unlocked new characters and classic Nintendo games.

It is not only fun but has proven to be the perfect bribe, I mean motivator, to get the boys to do all kinds of things. The last two mornings, everyone has been up and out of bed before 7am in order to play as soon as they get up! The most shoking part of this is that they even convinced me to play. :o) How could I not play the most popular game of the century???

playing with dad

playing with mom

Saturday morning brawl (note the time of 7:05 on the dvd player)


Gayle said...

Oh the joy!

I saw your middle son at friday school and he talked to me with this big deep voice. He's growing up.

Oh, and your etsy store looks wonderful!

Paula Vince said...

They say that long awaited pleasures are the most enjoyed, but in this case, it would've been enjoyed whenever it arrived.
Have fun guys,

Jim and Marilyn said...

Boys have a way of talking their mothers into doing the craziest things...but isn't it fun?

Anonymous said...