Monday, July 7, 2008

An Outing Cut Short (literally)

We took the boat out for a day on the river to our favorite beach.

It was lots of fun up until the accident! The weather was ideal, the water was calm and apparently full of clam shells because one embedded itself completely into Zack's big toe.

But God orchestrates even the smallest details. We just "happened" to have our first aid kit with us today. I never bring it on just a quick day trip but the sunblock was in there, so I just grabbed the whole thing. Chris also had the presence of mind to remove the said clam shell from Zack's toe. He usually gets pretty woozy at the sight of blood, but he did great!! I am so proud of him!

Zack did great, too. He did get a bit woozy from all the bleeding and the pain though.

getting ready to head back

So we wrapped it in a sterile bandage, packed everything back into the boat and raced between two oncoming ships (the only two of the whole day) back to the docks.

Since it had been 10 years since his last tetanus shot and we weren't sure about stitches, Zack and I headed to the ER after we dropped the boat. He did have to get the tetanus shot but they didn't do any stitches. Unfortunately, they did still have to give him Novocaine so they could clean out all the sand.
And now he has to take it easy on his foot for 2 or 3 days so it can heal closed. As you can see, he's really suffering while eating his favorite candy and watching Andy Griffith. :o)


Theresa Rohrer said...

Zack, that really blows!
And all for a little clam shell. You may need to exaggerate the story a bit. How about... you were deep see diving for pearls (in the Columbia River of course.) But then you were attacked my a giant man eating squid and they only way to escape was to swim into a sunken ship were you get your toe on a giant piece of scrap metal. And then you add a bit about Life Flight and six doctors. And then you'll have a pretty good story.
Get well soon!

Just us Junts said...

How dreadful!! I sure hope the toe gets well soon. Don't you just love how God works out all the little details??!!

Ekelund Fam said...

I am so sorry Zack! Great job with the first aid, mom and dad!