Thursday, July 10, 2008

VBS/Block Party Frenzy

The past two weeks have been a whirlwind of preparations for our summer VBS and Block Party. But all the hard work is paying off.

All the decorating (at least the stuff we can do before the Block Party) is done. Now we have just a bit more craft prep to do, and then we will be able to concentrate on all the last minute details for the Block Party.

Why do there have to be so many last minute details????

Well, here's what we've added to our decorations...

the "farmhouse kitchen" room

the "barnyard" stage

the scarecrow for our Block Party (the kids will stick their heads through and have their picture taken)

1 comment:

Bob and Karen said...

Good luck with your VBS. It looks like fun. We just finished ours tonight.
