It has been a really strange week. Maybe strange isn't a good word, but I am not sure what is a good word for it.
It starts back in June when we came home from Bible Camp and found that they had cleared the lot next door that has been for sale for FOREVER! Well, actually it's just a giant wet hole in the ground on an ancient landslide.
On Labor Day, the excavating equipment was delivered and work started first thing Tuesday morning.
On Wednesday at about noon I looked out the window to see a giant cat digging a 25 foot long, 4 foot deep ditch ON OUR PROPERTY!!!
Needless to say, I was a little bit upset (can you just hear the sarcasim?) and called Chris, who came home immediately, and the city.
the end of the ditch about 18 hours after it was dug
36 hours after it was dug (remember this is the driest time of the year)
So for the past couple of days we have been on the phone with and meeting with contractors, geo techs, the neighbors, lawyers, and title companies. And of course everyone wants to point the finger at someone else and give us the run around. When we woke up this morning, we were thinking we were going to have to hire an attorney. But God is faithful and it looks like we may have reached a solution without legal intervention.
laying the french drain to OUR property
filling the hole (how would you like to be the house above the lot?)
still filling the hole
it is going to take 100 dump truck loads to level out this lot for their yard
We are still praying and keeping a close eye on everything they do and taking lots of pictures.