Sunday, December 7, 2008

Party Weekend

This was a weekend of parties.

Saturday I had a Stampin' Up party in the morning and our friends', Kate and Chad's, 40th birthday party. Both were a really great time with great food at both. Kate is a fantastic cook, and as usual the food was terrific! But I forgot to take pictures. :o(
Then today was our 4th Annual Christmas Open House! We had a great time and even had friends come up from Portland. We like getting to see everyone, but we would much prefer having each of the families over individually. Unfortunately, there just isn't that kind of time in our schedules. Maybe that will just have to be a New Year's resolution for 2009. But again, I forgot to take any pictures. :o(

One of the best parts of our Open House was all of the help from Chris and the boys. They all worked so hard, especially Chris, on getting ready and cleaning up! Our last guests left around 9pm and by 9:31 everything was all cleaned up and put away!

So we celebrated by playing a game of Wii bowling. And I won! I got my highest score ever of 235!

The only pictures I took this weekend were of the sunset in the Fred Meyer parking lot on Saturday. But they were so beautiful that I had to share them... We really do serve a wonderfully creative God!

1 comment:

Just us Junts said...

Great pics!! The sunsets the past few days have just been fantastic!
Sorry we didn't make it to the open house. We had our own crazy kind of weekend.