Friday, March 6, 2009

Drums and Rough Cuts

Today was a very good day!

Andy has been invited to play the drums in the Co-op worship band. He was quite nervous since he just got drums 6 weeks ago, has never had lessons and basically only messes around on them in the basement. But he's gotten pretty good at messing around already.

This morning was their first performance and he did AWESOME! He didn't seem a bit nervous and even had fun doing it. Now I just need him to do it at church. :o)

Check it out...

I can't post the video, try back again another time

Then tonight was the cast and crew (and family) viewing of the rough cut of the movie the boys have been in. Unfortunately the entire rough cut wasn't done, but we really enjoyed what we saw so far. All the kids were so excited! The boys didn't stop talking about it the entire way home. Now we can't wait to see the final cut at the theater. We just have to get through a few more re-shoots, the special effects guy coming, the original score composition and the final editing... It may be awhile. It's going to be hard to wait.

Can you tell they were excited?
from left to right:
Andy, Zack, Devon, Joel, Ian, Stewart

Danny, our fearless and exhausted leader

(he only slept an hour and a half the past 2 days getting the rough cut ready)

You guys all did a great job, you should be really proud of yourselves! Danny, you're awesome!


Anonymous said...

WOW! Good job Andy! We can't wait to hear you at church. And be sure to let us know when we can watch the movie you guys have been working on.
Love, G & G

Paula Vince said...

Good on them! How great to have something to show for all your hard work. Great fun too.

Jonathan said...

I am leaving a comment - just like you asked!

Looks like you have a great church!

- Jonathan J.