Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Day

He Is Risen! He Is Risen Indeed!
Here is how we celebrated Jesus' resurrection this year! What better thing is there to celebrate?

before the bunny...

after the bunny
I wish the bunny didn't have to get up so early :o)

what happened to the carrot?

checking out their Easter buckets

the boys and their bucket goodies

lookin' for eggs
are Andy and Will looking or just watching Zack look?

practicing for church

Mom and Theresa enjoying Easter breakfast
(I heard it was really good but was too nervous
about playing the opening song to eat anything)
Sonja and Nate
Nate really liked his yellow egg!

this year's flower cross
every year is different and beautiful
this year is no exception
Great job Kathy!

children's message
playing "Mighty to Save"
the boys did a fantastic job!
our annual family picture with the cross

Maggie sang lots of Easter (and Christmas)
songs from preschool
Ada loved playing on the bus
she's a great dancer!

Charlie got Ada to smile for Theresa's picture

opening birthday and Easter gifts

lighting birthday candles

Zack and Greg blow out their candles

1 comment:

Paula Vince said...

I can see you had a great Easter. I really like the sound of your egg day tradition too.
Wow, although I must've seen them on your toolbar, I'd never twigged that you actually run six blogs! That's a phenomenal effort, Carrie.
