Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Ghostly Glass

Just before leaving for Family Nite on Sunday, we all heard this odd glass-y sound. I walked into the family room and found what was the remains of our entertainment center's top glass door lying in pieces on the floor. LOTS of pieces!

Upon further investigation we found that we could hear a faint popping noise. Then we noticed that tiny pieces of glass were spontaneously jumping and popping.

It was sort of creepy, but we had to get a movie!

If you listen closely you can hear the popping noise and every so often you see a piece of glass jump!


McNew Family said...

?????? So what caused it??????


Ekelund Fam said...

That is so weird.

CJ Olson said...

Creepy....eeeekkkkk!!! I think if it had been in the fall instead of spring I'd have been even more creeped out! :-)

Anonymous said...

Grandpa says tempered glass is made to break up in small pieces like that so nobody gets cut. They use it in schools for that reason. Tempered glass does break like that once in a while. The door was probably in a bind. Your glass door isn't haunted.

Megan said...

How weird, the glass over the light on the microwave hood just broke like that on Sunday night too. Must Not tempered but just heard something drop while I was relaxing after work and it was a piece of glass on the stove. I have decided it was the heat from the light being left on.