Friday, October 23, 2009

Goodwill Goodies

Last night we went shopping at Goodwill. We went to look at a sewing machine table to use as a desk in our new office/guestroom and some stuff for the boys to use in their movie shoot.

Goodwill 12

I love the handles!

Goodwill 07

Andy LOVES this wool coat and wishes he’d had it for the “Under Liberty” shoots. And the checker gave Andy her employee discount for it, too!

Of course, we also found a few other items that we could use (or just stuff that we really liked…). Eventually we had to get a cart. And eventually we filled it up!

But we got a lot of great deals and lots of things that we really needed, too.

Here’s just a few of the treasures we found…

 Goodwill 01these bread pans are perfect for the holidays and gifts

Goodwill 02 

these remind me of my grandma for some reason?

Goodwill 03

this just makes me want to have coffee

Goodwill 04

it’s my dream to someday use this basket for collecting eggs from my very own chickens

Goodwill 05

thanks to my new plastic measuring cup stand they are both handy and attractive

Goodwill 06

I got this pressure canner for only $7 and canned 4 pints of tomatoes in it today!

Goodwill 08

now I can make soap whenever I want

Goodwill 09

I bought this vest just because I liked it :o)

Goodwill 10

I love this style of picnic basket! It works great for taking pictures of my picnic quilts.

Goodwill 11

my favorite part is the red gingham lining

Isn’t it funny what a blessing a bunch of used junk can be???


Emily said...

You are amazing! I can't believe all the stuff that you found!!! Seriously that is amazing! And a canner for $7!!! So proud of you for trying it! And what an amazing deal! I wish I could find one that cheap! :)

Leanne said...

I have to say the pressure canner is the steal of the century! $7? Wow! That's cool!

Great buys! I always find stuff I like at the Goodwill...

See you Tuesday for bread making!!