Saturday, October 24, 2009

Taking A Stand

Just yesterday I got an e-mail regarding a rally to be held here in town in opposition of the new marriage bill. This will give any domestic partners in our state the same rights as married couples. I have felt very convicted lately to stop merely complaining about where our country is headed and to pray for our country and to begin taking a stand where I can to protect our freedoms.

A few friends saw my post on Facebook and joined me, our boys and a couple of their friends at the foot of the bridge. We were only able to stay a little over an hour (because of our fencing class) but when we left there were 60 people on the bridge.

R71 rally 08

Most passer-bys were friendly, but we did meet some opposition. The boys were very excited that they were flipped-off by five people! I suppose that being flipped off for Jesus is an exciting thing! (hope that didn’t offend any of you) Andy said it was like the disciples being persecuted for proclaiming the Gospel. :o) Not exactly, but we will be persecuted for siding with Christ… There were also 6 pro supporters that came near the end of the rally and stood on the other side of the bridge while our group was gathering to pray.

R71 rally 01R71 rally 02R71 rally 03R71 rally 04R71 rally 05R71 rally 09     

I am sharing this and the pictures because our rally will not be written about in our local paper. The pro rally earlier this week, with 16 participants, got front-page coverage. Why can’t we both get coverage??? What are they afraid of? (I took these pictures when we first got there and before other families arrived)

I was not only proud of my boys and their friends, but to the many others who came to show their support for protecting marriage and families. We need to show people that we aren’t against anyone, we are merely wanting to preserve the family in the way God intended. I pray that we can show the love of Jesus to everyone even as we oppose the things that are happening in this country. Because without love we are just “a resounding gong, or a clashing cymbal.” (1 Corinthians 13:1)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen, Sister friend! I see lots of the "reject" signs around but I've not seen any people out yet.