Monday, June 6, 2011

William’s Confirmation

I can’t believe that our youngest son was confirmed yesterday! It makes these parents so proud to see their son choose to follow Jesus with his life!

He did such a fantastic job! He knew all of his memory work really well! There was no pause and no hesitation… That’s what comes with lots of hard work and practice! God honored your effort Will!

confirmation 01 confirmation 02 confirmation 06confirmation 03Will’s favorite part was receiving his new Bible! His current Bible is looking pretty sorry from all the use (Hooray!) and even the duck tape wasn’t holding up too well anymore. Now he has a brand new study Bible to wear out… :o)

confirmation 04confirmation 05 We were so thankful to our friends and family who came out to help us celebrate with a crab feast after church! Unfortunately we were so busy cooking, visiting and enjoying ourselves that I didn’t get any pics… :o(

Will, we are all so proud of the young man that you are and the man you are becoming! May God continue to lead and guide you in His way and may you continue to follow Him wherever He leads!

confirmation 07

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13

To make his confirmation even more memorable, Will ended up at the ER on Sunday night following what we believe may have been a kidney stone. He was in HORRIBLE pain on the way! We prayed and by the time we reached the hospital, the pain was gone! They ran all the test for stones and they all turned up negative. We are praising God for this miracle and trusting in God for the results!

1 comment:

CJ Olson said...

Way to go Will!! I pray that you follow Jesus all off your life and that He is will use you for wonderful things!!