Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Great Escape- ER Edition

Normally I post about the first day of a trip, well… first. But this time I’m going out of order. This year’s Great Escape Youth Retreat ending with such a bang, that I’m posting it first!

After cruising “The Gut” (as the locals call it) in Seaside, we headed to the park for a quick lunch before heading home early. The peanut butter sandwiches were quickly consumed and the kids decided to play on the playground a bit before sitting in the car.

William used “the facilities” and realized that the bathrooms had no soap. Wanting to indulge in some animal crackers for dessert and knowing that is slightly germiphobe mother would object to his eating with no-soap-in-the-bathroom hands, he ran back quick as he could to use some hand sanitizer to obliterate those germs!

Unfortunately he did not see the horizontal grass green colored, kiddie-height chin-up pole right in his path…

WHACK! That pole hit him smack in the nose and knocked him flat!

Within seconds we were all surrounding him and were not surprised to see blood dripping from his nose! But before we could breath a collective sigh of relief, the blood proceeded to POUR out of his nose! And I mean POUR!!!

Will’s eyes started to well up with tears, the color washed clean out of his face and the blood just kept on coming! Just about the time I decided it was time to get up and leave for the hospital, it stopped! At that same time, Will decided that standing was not a good idea after all and collapsed down in the grass. That was also the same moment that we noticed his nose starting to swell and that it was no longer going in the direction it had been just 5 minutes earlier…

So it was off to the emergency room which just happened to be right around the corner!

After getting cleaned up and applying an ice pack, Will decided to take a look in my compact mirror from my purse and decide whether or not to take a pic.

This one was his favorite… (he was talking to me when I took it)nose 01 

This one is my favorite…

nose 02If you look closely you can see that his nose is a bit askew and most definitely broken! Now we’ll call his doc in the morning and see what to do next???

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