Monday, June 4, 2018

Israel Day 2/7: Church of the Annunciation

The Church of the Annunication is built over what is believed to be, in the Catholic tradition, the cave where Mary lived when the angel Gabriel told Mary she would give birth to the Messiah. 

This church, completed in 1969, the the largest church in the Middle East. But it is built over the ruins of three other churches: the first in 427, the Crusader church destroyed in 1187, and a Franciscan church built in 1740.

The courtyard is beautifully decorated with artwork of Mary sent from countries all over the world...

There are also statues and beautiful mosaics on the ceiling of the covered walkway...

The big bronze doors are said to portray events in the life of Jesus, or some say, the life of Mary.

The lower level contains the original sunken grotto that contains the original cave-home of Mary as well as some of the walls of previous churches.

The upper level serves at the church for the local Catholic congregation in Nazareth...

It also contains artwork of Mary from around the world...

When excavating to build the current church, remains of ancient Nazareth were found, including more cave dwellings typical of the area...

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