Friday, August 7, 2009

Great Escape – Day Five

We got up and packed everything up and had LOTS of time to spare. Our crew worked much faster than we expected! Great job guys!

So after our morning devotion time, we hopped in the vans, used the real bathrooms and headed into town. We got in line for the 1:00 ferry and spent a couple of hours wandering through shops. Chris and I also had ice cream and found a great little coffee/chocolate shop right by the water. They had a tea that Chris and I used to drink at a tea shop in Bellingham while we were dating, called Night in Missoula. It was a great cup of tea and brought back fond memories as well! And it went well with the dark chocolate orange and raspberry sticks we picked up there as well.

 Great Escape 09 61 I loved these flowers at a shop in town

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I also loved this taxi cab

We were first on the ferry and had a nice trip back to Anacortes. The drive back wasn’t too bad (despite Seattle traffic) and we got back to the church by a little after 8:00.

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the view of the docks at Friday Harbor from the ferry

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Big Red is all ready to disembark

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coming into Anacortes

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Bradley’s mom took this picture at the gas station in Anacortes just before he left

Like with all trips, there was a lot of cleaning up to do when we got home. And because everything was really filthy, it was a little more work than usual.

Great Escape 09 68 cleaning all the bins and containers in the driveway

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before and after washing

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washing the clean dishes to take to church

It was a great trip and we had a fantastic time! We are looking forward to see what God has in store for us next…

1 comment:

Kari, RN said...

That looks like a really time out on the San Juan Islands! I've been there just one time, and it was one of the greatest days. I remember thinking "this is so beautiful" when we'd get to a new place, and then we'd drive just a bit further and see something even *more* beautiful! Looks like a fun week!