Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Pastor’s Getaway Day Two

Waking up to yet another beautiful sunny day motivated us to head south on 101 and do a bit of sightseeing. So after breakfast we hopped in the van and took off to see what we could see.

Only about 2 miles out of town we hit the first viewpoint and pulled over.

pastor's getaway day two 01 pastor's getaway day two 02Then we stopped at the next viewpoint…

pastor's getaway day two 03pastor's getaway day two 04And then the next one… Wow! There are a LOT of viewpoints on 101!

11-3-10 007pastor's getaway day two 06At Nehalem, we decided to go to this cute little winery off the highway. We’ve always wanted to and never do, so we did it! It was fun and felt very grown up and sophisticated! :o)

pastor's getaway day two 08      pastor's getaway day two 07As it was now close to lunchtime and we were both feeling a bit hungry, we stopped at a wayside to eat. We walked down this little canopied trail in the woods and walked out to a breath taking view of the ocean. So we sat on the bench, ate our sack lunch of pb & j and enjoyed the pounding (and I mean POUNDING surf)!

pastor's getaway day two 09pastor's getaway day two 10  I wish you could see and hear how big the waves were in this picture!

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I can’t believe how nice this picture turned out considering that I took it from a moving car as we drove by Garibaldi.

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There’s a big white G on the hill!

We took the Cape Arch scenic route out to the Cape Meares lighthouse and the world famous Octopus Tree!

pastor's getaway day two 14pastor's getaway day two 15Unfortunately the octopus has lost one of its arms!

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I loved these two trees! I’m guessing it’s pretty hard living on the Oregon coast.

Before we even got to the lighthouse, the clouds started rolling in…

pastor's getaway day two 17pastor's getaway day two 20The lighthouse is currently undergoing some repairs due to a vandal firing about 16 shots into it.

pastor's getaway day two 21pastor's getaway day two 22We were kinda surprised when it we saw the lamp right there in front of us.

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It just might be the tiniest lighthouse ever…

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Tillamook was the final stop on our tour. The cheese factory is one of my favorite places to visit. Great cheese, tasty ice cream (white licorice is the best flavor ever!) and buckets!!!

pastor's getaway day two 25pastor's getaway day two 26I love the cow baby apparel!

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Will, I took this one for you! It’s a head lamp. The lights are in his feet.

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This is the ultimate recycling project!

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They make a whole lot of cheese in Tillamook!

Tomorrow we head back to real life…

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