Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Family Flashback- Kicking Off Christmas

Last night we did our traditional Christmas kick-off. All the decorations are up, the lights are lit, the cookies are made… Then we start out the season with what it is really all about: Jesus!

There is just something about reading the Christmas story by candle/Christmas tree light that helps you really put Jesus back into focus.

As you can see, we’ve done this for a long time!

FF Christmas decor 01

First we get the tree… (every year my parents’ neighbor gave us a tree)

FF Christmas decor 02

Reading the Christmas story

After the story is read, I break into the stash of Christmas goodies all ready to go in the freezer, make some cocoa and enjoy what is sure to be another magical Christmas season!

FF Christmas decor 03

Yay! It’s time for cookies and cocoa!!!

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